On 14 February 2022, Unimus English Literature had a joint guardianship and KRS agenda. Guardianship is the process of consulting students with their guardian lecturers in both academic and non-academic fields to support the success of student studies and development. proses konsultasi mahasiswa kepada dosen wali baik dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik untuk menunjang keberhasilan studi dan perkembangan mahasiswa.

This guidance and guidance can generally be given individually or in the form of groups that are carried out on a scheduled basis or based on student needs.

An important part of the trusteeship is to provide academic advice and information including information regarding academic rules and procedures related to the progress of each individual student's studies,

Currently, an on-line system has been used, but it should be noted that the on-line system is part of the guardianship process for selecting courses and does not eliminate the face-to-face process between guardian lecturers and students. on-line namun perlu dicermati bahwa sistem on-line merupakan bagian proses perwalian untuk pemilihan mata kuliah dan tidak menghilangkan adanya proses tatap muka antara dosen wali dengan mahasiswa.