Semarang – Competency certification is a process of giving competency certificates carried out systematically and objectively through competency tests that refer to work competency standards, both national and international. This is what is being done by the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture (FFLC) of Muhammadiyah University of Semarang in collaboration with the Raflesia Tourism Professional Certification Institute (PCI) facilitated by the National Professional Certification Agency (NPCA) in the Tourism Sector Competency Test Certification activity for the Tour Guide Sector on Sunday 29 May 2022.

Located in the hall of the Faculty of Medicine, this competency test activity was attended by 40 6th semester students of the Unimus English Literature and English Education study program who had previously been given competency briefing for four days. Each participant conducted a competency test supported by 5 assessors from PCI. Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd as the dean of FFLC in his speech conveyed the purpose of this certification activity to equip students with tour guide competencies. "In addition, this agenda is also an effort to prepare students to respond to tourism in Indonesia after the pandemic. In addition, the dean of FFLC hopes that the competency test results will be able to equip students with survival skills when they graduate from Unimus, so that students will not only succeed in education but also in the world of work," he explained.