It discussed language disorders experienced by adults with Long Covid, story-based approaches in teaching English, the concept of languaging in learning foreign languages, and reflection on classroom interactions in digital learning spaces. All of these topics are eye-opening and trigger us to do more research that is practical and useful for humans. Therefore, we can adapt to the post-pandemic challenges of language learning and research whatever our profession. In addition, we can actively contribute to the impact of Covid-19 based on our field.

From this, the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture (FFLC) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an international conference "5th English Language and Literature International Conference (Ellic 2022)" Saturday (21/5/2022) with the theme "Innovative Practices in Language". Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, and Translation".

The activity was held online which was attended by around 170 Participants from 6 countries (Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore and the Philippines). Presenting Plenary Speaker Prof. Louise Cummings (Hongkong Polytechnic University – Hongkong); Willy A Renandya, Ph.D (National Institute of Education(NIE) – Singapore); Dr. Jennifer Smith (EdD) (Queensland University of Technology – Australia).

“This seminar and conference aims to improve scientific publications and the competence of lecturers, especially Unimus FFLC lecturers. Also develop a wider network of cooperation. In the last 5 years, Unimus FFLC has increased various collaborations, especially regarding publications and community service both at home and abroad," said the Dean.

Opened by the vice chancellor 1 of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, Dr. Budi Santosa. M.Si., this international seminar ended at 16.30 with 4 parallel sessions for the presenters. He said "This meeting is very profitable and provides benefits for every university, this International Conference is very important for knowledge and competency improvement, thank you to all the committees who ran the session successfully, hopefully after this we can all meet again with an extraordinary session" .