The 4th English Language & Literature International Conference (ELLiC 2020) | Saturday, 3 April 2021 | at Virtual Zoom Meeting, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang | Abstract Deadline 28 February 2021 | Full Paper Deadline 20 March 2021 | Seminar Fee: Indonesian Presenter IDR 300K, Overseas Presenter US 30 Indonesian Participant IDR 300K via BNI No.050-445-059-4 a.n. Yunita Nugraheni | CP Riana +6281287124063 | [email protected] |
Theme: ” Creative & Innovative Learning Strategies in the Field of Language, Literature, Linguistics, and Translation in New-Normal Era”

Sub Themes:
1. Literary Studies in IR 4.0
2. Digital English Learning and Technology
3. Blended Learning
4. Creative and Innovation in ELT
6. Trends in Translation
7. Critical Discourse Analysis
8. Sociolinguistics in IR 4.0
9. Cyber Literature
10. Remote Learning in ELT, Linguistics, Literature & Translation